Annyck is a therapeutically qualified optometrist with a passion for managing ocular disease and dry eye. After graduating from QUT in 2008, then completing post graduate therapeutic qualifications in 2012, Annyck then gained her Advanced Certification in Children’s Vision from the Australian College of optometry in 2019.
Annyck has a broad clinical experience that includes working across independent optometry, corporate optometry and with ophthalmologists in private practice. She has special interests in post-surgical ocular management, dry eye therapy, glaucoma management, children’s vision, myopia control, ortho-k and soft contact lens fitting, especially in children. In Annyck’s words: “Since being fitted with contact lenses at 13 myself, I have a huge appreciation for the freedom and confidence that this allows children.”
Annyck is a life-long learner, constantly excited by the advances in technology in our profession. A great example is the advent of modern imaging equipment that allows us to provide the highest level of care for our patients through early detection.
When Annyck is not revelling in all things optometry, you can find her paddle boarding, walking and listening to podcasts or teaching/practicing pilates at her local neighbourhood studio.
We know you’ll love the care and attention Annyck provides to help manage your vision and your eye health.