Andrew became a partner at ICU in 2010 after gaining his B.App.Sc (Opt)with honours from QUT in 2006, followed by his Grad.Dip. in Ocular Therapeutics the following year.His particular areas of professional interest include children’s vision, orthokeratology, and specialty contact lenses. Andrew is a participant in the Lady Cilento Children's Hospital (LCCH) Eye Clinic's Paediatric Optometry Alignment Pilot Program, and has spoken on several occasions at optometric industry conferences.In a previous life Andrew was an award-winning orchestral conductor, working with the likes of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra and the New York City Ballet, and he still waves a stick or blows a flute in public from time to time.He now lives south of the river with his family, indulges in all things mathematical, scientific and generally nerdy, and is a keen (though not especially fast) cyclist.